Donate And Help Today!

Join the ranks of NAIATrust's respected members/contributors, including kennel clubs and other animal professionals, pet owners, advocates, and breed enthusiasts.

You may wish to consider a tribute or memorial gift to honor an individual or beloved animal, or a monthly contribution to sustain our work yearlong. Gifts of all sizes truly are appreciated.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to preserve the health and welfare of breeds, strengthen the human-animal bond, and safeguard the rights of responsible animal owners and animal professionals.

One time

1. Annual Membership/Donations (Choose an amount)



2. What is NAIATrust's most important issue to you? (Choose one)

3. Your information

4. Optional (To honor individuals/animals)


As a special thank you, we'll send you a NAIATrust lapel pin to wear proudly.

NAIA trust is a 501C4, donations to NAIA Trust are not deductible as charitable contributions under normal circumstances.
Ask your tax accountant to be sure. EIN #52-7114458

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